Search Results for: Blood
Changing in protein profile of pigs blood during feeding with GM soybeans
Abstract: Currently, the most widely use genetic engineering found in creating new varieties of crops those have missing features in the existing traditional plants. Resistant to herbicides soybeans has become the most common in agricultural production, more than 60% of soybeans are modified and resistant to pests; certain modified varieties of cotton and corn 28% …
Complete genes may pass from food to human blood
Abstract: Our bloodstream is considered to be an environment well separated from the outside world and the digestive tract. According to the standard paradigm large macromolecules consumed with food cannot pass directly to the circulatory system. During digestion proteins and DNA are thought to be degraded into small constituents, amino acids and nucleic acids, respectively, …
Detection of DNA fragments from Roundup Ready soya in blood of broilers
Abstract: Possible transfer of DNA fragments from genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean, containing transgene for tolerance against herbicides with glyphosate, from fodder into blood of broilers ROSS 308 was studied. Three feeding experiments were performed. Totally, 118 blood samples were analyzed. Detection of DNA fragments was divided into two parts. First, we were looking for …
Transgene fragments in the blood and tissue of chicken fed with genetically modified soy and maize
Abstract: The aim was to evaluate the transfer of DNA fragments into the blood, kidney and liver of broilers fed with diet containing the genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready soybean GTS40-3-2, and the genetically modified Bt maize MON 810. Unsexed broilers ROSS 308 were used, animals were fed by diet with the same nutritional composition …
Some biochemical parameters of blood of pigs using GM soy in their diets
Abstract: Biotechnology projects have long crossed from scientific knowledge in the area of industrial and commercial use, and the achievements of genetic engineering used for the production and development of new varieties of plants and breeds of animals with a variety of new features that were absent in the parental forms. Many see genetic engineering …
Oral application of charcoal and humic acids to dairy cows influences Clostridium botulinum blood serum antibody level and glyphosate excretion in urine
Abstract: The present study was initiated to investigate the influence of oral application of charcoal, sauerkraut juice and humic acids on specific gastrointestinal microbiota and selected enzymes, electrolytes, and substrates in the blood of dairy cows fed GMO feeds containing glyphosate. A total of 380 Schleswig Holstein cows suffering from symptoms of chronic botulism were …
Cytotoxicity of the herbicide glyphosate in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide and commonly used to eliminate weeds in agricultural and forest settings. Studies evaluating glyphosate toxicity in animals and environment show that commercial formulations of glyphosate are more toxic than the active component itself. OBJECTIVES: Technical grade glyphosate was compared with the commercial formulation Roundup in their respective …
Fate of transgenic DNA and evaluation of metabolic effects in goats fed genetically modified soybean and in their offsprings
Abstract: The presence of DNA fragments in blood and milk from goats fed conventional (control) or Roundup Ready® soybean meal solvent extracted (s.e.; treated) was investigated by using a polymerase chain reaction approach. The same investigation was carried out on blood, skeletal muscle and organs from kids of both groups fed only dams’ milk until …
In vitro effect of the herbicide glyphosate on human blood platelet aggregation and coagulation
Abstract: Glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine] is a broad-spectrum, non-selective, post-emergence herbicide that is extensively used in agriculture. Published data referring to the effects of this product on human health are contradictory. We showed previously that long-term treatment of rats with low doses of Glyphosate-Biocarb® may induce hepatic histological changes and bleeding without decreasing platelet counts. The aim of …
Oxidative stress, cholinesterase activity, and DNA damage in the liver, whole blood, and plasma of Wistar rats following a 28-day exposure to glyphosate
Abstract: In this 28 day-study, we evaluated the effects of herbicide glyphosate administered by gavage to Wistar rats at daily doses equivalent to 0.1 of the acceptable operator exposure level (AOEL), 0.5 of the consumer acceptable daily intake (ADI), 1.75 (corresponding to the chronic population-adjusted dose, cPAD), and 10 mg kg-1 body weight (bw) (corresponding …
Biochemical profile of blood and sperm boars using combined feeds with genetically modified soy
Abstract: It is describe the analysis of the biochemical composition of blood serum and sperm plasma of boars consumed GM soy in the article. It has been found out the reduction of the concentration of total protein, triglycerides and AST activity, whereas the concentration of calcium and phosphorus increased by 39.6 % and 54.25 % …
Biochemical indexes blood whey’s rats of tree generation, which fed soy with GMO
Abstract: The results of biochemical indexes of blood whey`s for rats, which fed 20% soy with GMO, are presented in the article. Keywords: GMO, Transgenic Soya, Traditional Soya Citation: Samsonyk I. and Stronskyi U., 2013. Biochemical indexes blood whey’s rats of tree generation, which fed soy with GMO. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини …
A study of hemoglobin and blood cells in Carassius auratus induced by the herbicide of glyphosate
Abstract: This experiment studied the toxic effects of the herbicide of Glyphosate on the hemoglobin (Hb), erythrocyte (RBC) and leucocyte (WBC) in the peripheral blood of Carassius auratus. The result showed that the herbicide Glyphosate can poison Carssius auratus. In those treated groups, all the hemoglobin and erythrocyte the dropped and many groups of the …
Dietary DNA in blood and organs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake of dietary DNA into blood, kidney, and liver of salmon, and to determine the DNA fragment size if dietary DNA was detected. Salmon in groups of five fish were force-fed a feed containing a high copy number of three polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified …
Differential genotoxicity of Roundup(®) formulation and its constituents in blood cells of fish (Anguilla anguilla): Considerations on chemical interactions and DNA damaging mechanisms.
Abstract: It has been widely recognized that pesticides represent a potential threat in aquatic ecosystems. However, the knowledge on the genotoxicity of pesticides to fish is still limited. Moreover, genotoxic studies have been almost exclusively focused on the active ingredients, whereas the effect of adjuvants is frequently ignored. Hence, the present study addressed the herbicide …
Innate immune changes in the peripheral blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients: Risk factors for disease progression and management
Abstract: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is recognized by the WHO as an alternative name for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which has been classified as a disease of the central nervous system since 1969. The concept that chronic microbial infection drives constant activation of the innate immune system through alterations in the production of innate immune cells and …