Search Results for: Jordan
Genetic engineering, the farm crisis, and world hunger
Abstract: The US farm belt has been mired in recession.Between 1960 and 2000, the food price index for major commodities dropped almost in half, and as a result, farm income has declined (Halweil 2002). Overall conditions in the farm economy in early 2000 were largely a replay of the previous year. Markets for major commodities, …
Distribution of glyphosate-and thifensulfuron-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in North Carolina
Abstract: Glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth was first confirmed in North Carolina in 2005. A survey that year indicated 17 and 18% of 290 populations sampled were resistant to glyphosate and thifensulfuron, respectively. During the fall of 2010, 274 predetermined sites in North Carolina were surveyed to determine distribution of Palmer amaranth and to determine …
US farmer awareness of glyphosate-resistant weeds and resistance management strategies
Abstract: A survey of farmers from six U.S. states (Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Mississippi, and North Carolina) was conducted to assess the farmers’ views on glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds and tactics used to prevent or manage GR weed populations in genetically engineered (GE) GR crops. Only 30% of farmers thought GR weeds were a serious issue. …