Search Results for: Retinoic acid pathway
Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide in pejerrey Odontesthes humensis embryonic development
Abstract: Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) are the major pesticides used worldwide. Among them, the Roundup formulations are the most popular. Some aspects of GBH toxicity are well known, such as induction of oxidative stress. However, embryotoxicity is scarcely known. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of exposure to different Roundup …
Glyphosate and anencephaly: Death by a thousand cuts
Abstract: Anencephaly, which occurs when the rostral (head) end of the neural tube fails to close early in embryonic development, represents perhaps the most extreme manifestation of neural tube defects (NTDs). A wide range of developmental events and processes, working singly or in concert, are either known to cause, or are strongly associated with, NTDs …