What types of studies are in the GMO Research Database?
The GMO Research Database contains over 2,500 studies, surveys, and analyses that suggest various adverse impacts and potential adverse impacts of genetically engineered (GE/GMO) crops, foods and related pesticides. It contains references regarding health impacts, environmental impacts, impacts on non-target organisms (NTOs), resistance of target organisms, pesticide drift, genetic contamination, horizontal gene transfer, unintended effects, as well as references regarding yields, social impact, ethics, economics and regulations. In most cases, links are provided to the abstract for each entry, or alternatively, links to sites where the study can be purchased.
I know of a study that I think should be in the database. Why hasn't it been included?
There are several reasons why a reference might be excluded, including methodological concerns that may threaten study validity. If you believe a study should be added to the database, please contact us at info@gmoresearch.org or submit the article directly.
What is the best way to use the search function?
Search by subject, author, keywords or title of the study. Use multiple keywords in the search feature. For example, if you are looking for studies using rodents fed GM soy use keywords such as rats, mice, rat, mouse, hamster, hamsters, transgenic, soy, soya, soybeans, genetically modified, genetically engineered, GMO, etc.
For additional guidance on using all of the search features please consult the How to Search page.
The link to a reference in the database is not working. What do I do?
Due to the dynamic nature of the internet we cannot guarantee the url provided for individual references will continue to be active. If a link is not working, try copying the link and pasting it in the search feature at https://archive.org/index.php. If the url is not found, try searching by title using an internet search engine, such as Google Scholar.
I'm having problems getting the website to load.
Please report any broken links or other problems to info@gmoresearch.org.