Journal or Publishing Institution: Weed Biology and Management
Author(s): Santos, G., Oliveira Jr, R.S., Constantin, J., Constantin Francischini, A., Machado, M.F., Mangolin, C.A. and Nakajima, J.N.
Article Type: Peer Reviewed Study
Record ID: 2265
Abstract: Recent reports of weed‐control failures after the use of glyphosate led to suspicion about the selection of resistant biotypes of Conyza at locations in west and north Paraná, Brazil. Plants were collected, identified as Conyza sumatrensis and subsequently evaluated for possible resistance to glyphosate in four stages of weed development. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse by combining biotypes, stages of development and a range of glyphosate doses. All the suspected biotypes were collected from locations in Cascavel, Toledo, Assis Chateaubriand, Tupãssi and Campo Mourão with a history of glyphosate use in burndown and in glyphosate‐resistant soybean for at least the four previous years and were compared to a susceptible biotype (São Jorge do Ivaí) with no previous history of herbicide use. The doses of glyphosate ranged from 0 to 5760 g ae ha−1. The biotypes were considered as resistant if two combined criteria were present (resistance factor > 1 and the rate required to achieve 80% control is >720 g ha−1). The results provided evidence that there is a marked difference in the level of control of older plants and also confirmed the presence of some resistant biotypes. For applications at the first stage of development, two biotypes that were resistant to glyphosate were identified (Cascavel‐1 and Tupãssi‐6). For applications in the second stage of development, beyond the biotypes that were found in the first stage, three other biotypes were considered as resistant: Toledo‐5, Assis Chateaubriand‐7 and Floresta‐10. However, for applications at the third and fourth stages, all the biotypes were considered as resistant.
Keywords: Conyza, Conyza sumatrensis, Glycine (Fabaceae), Glycine max, plants, biotypes, control, glyphosate, herbicide resistance, herbicides, inhibitors, pesticide resistance, pesticides, resistance, soyabeans, usage, weeds, soybeans, weedicides, weedkillers, dose–response curve, EPSPS inhibitors, herbicide, Sumatran fleabane, tall fleabane, Erigeron sumatrensis, developmental stages, greenhouses, Brazil
Citation: Santos, G., Oliveira Jr, R.S., Constantin, J., Constantin Francischini, A., Machado, M.F., Mangolin, C.A. and Nakajima, J.N., 2014. Conyza sumatrensis: A new weed species resistant to glyphosate in the Americas. Weed Biology and Management, 14(2), pp.106-114.