Journal or Publishing Institution: Вісник проблем біології і медицини
Author(s): Kulyk, Y.M., Obertiukh, Y.V., Khimich, O. V. and Vygovska, I. O.
Article Type: Study
Record ID: 2410
Abstract: Research purpose: Detecting the presence of unidentified factor transgenic roundup resistant soybeans by method biological tests. Object and research methods: Ciliates – Tetrahymena pyriformis, after boiling water extract of soybeans and whole plant GM soybeans and non GM soy, aqueous extract of yolks and egg whites of chickens were fed GM soy (experiment) and sunflower meal (control), aqueous extract (broth) muscle and bone tissue of rats were fed GM soy (experiment) and sunflower meal (control). To obtain the aqueous extract of GM and non GM soy weighed 50 grams beans both options and covered in heat-resistant glass cups, and then added 300 ml of distilled water, heated to boiling and boil for 30 minutes. In the process of boiling occurred inactivation of urease, antitrypsin and antyhimotrypsynu and other anti-nutritional bioactive substances with the transition to an aqueous solution of water-soluble fraction thermostable proteins of low molecular weight substances from non-GM soybeans and plasmid DNA fragments and other low molecular weight compounds Agrobacterium tumefaciens with GM soya beans. After boiling broth filtered through a nylon cloth and thus prepared aqueous extract of GM and non GM soy.
Keywords: roundup resistant transgenic soy, chickens eggs, rats, rodents, muscle and bone tissue, ciliates Tetrahimena piriformis, fragments of plasmid DNA Agrobacterium tumefaciens, biologically active low molecular weight substances, feeding, genetically modified soybean, GM soya, GMO soybeans, glyphosate tolerant, genetically engineered, GM
Citation: Kulyk, Y.M., Obertiukh, Y.V., Khimich, O. V. and Vygovska, I. O., 2017. Danger use of transgenic Roundup resistant soy in food products children through presence in her of unidentifiable factors. Вісник проблем біології і медицини, 1(3).