Search Results for: Rana catesbeiana
The toxicity of Roundup Original Max to 13 species of larval amphibians
Abstract: With the increased use of glyphosate-based herbicides (marketed under several names, including Roundup and Vision), there has been a concomitant increased concern about the unintended impacts that particular formulations containing the popular surfactant polyethoxylated tallowamine (POEA) might have on amphibians. Published studies have examined a relatively small number of anuran species (primarily from Australia and …
The lethal impacts of Roundup and predatory stress on six species of North American tadpoles
Abstract: The decline in amphibians across the globe has sparked a search for the causes, and recent evidence suggests a connection with pesticides. However, for most pesticides, tests on amphibians are rare and conducted only for short durations (1 to 4 days) and without natural stressors. Recent studies have discovered that the stress of predator …
Competitive stress can make the herbicide Roundup® more deadly to larval amphibians
Abstract: Toxicity assessments on nontarget organisms have largely been addressed using short‐term, single‐species laboratory experiments. Although extremely helpful, these experiments inherently lack many pervasive ecological stressors found in nature. Though a substantial challenge, incorporating these ecological stressors in contaminant studies would shed light on potential synergistic effects. For the world’s leading herbicide, glyphosate, we know …
Relative toxicity of the components of the original formulation of Roundup to five North American anurans
Abstract: The responses of five North American frog species that were exposed in an aqueous system to the original formulation of Roundup were compared. Carefully designed and un-confounded laboratory toxicity tests are crucial for accurate assessment of potential risks from the original formulation of Roundup to North American amphibians in aquatic environments. The formulated mixture …
Growth and survival of five amphibian species exposed to combinations of pesticides
Abstract: The global decline of amphibians has sparked interest in the role that pesticides may play. Pesticides in nature typically exist in combinations, but given the vast number of chemicals used, most toxicological experiments necessarily have examined one pesticide at a time. I examined how four commercial formulations of pesticides (diazinon, carbaryl, malathion, and glyphosate) affected …