Journal or Publishing Institution: Magyar Mezôgazdaság
Date of Publication: 01/01/2009
Author(s): Balla, L.
Article Type: Report
One cannot speak in general about the genetically modified plants, every species and every event has to be analyzed case by case. There are four important plant species which have been modified by multinational company who sell them. The most powerful company is Monsanto. The four main plants are soy, maize, cotton and canola. These crops can be discussed also by examining them one by one. Soybean is not domestic and cannot be cultivated in Hungary, since it would be harvested too late. The soy varieties are not used for human food at all or are applied in just small amounts. GM cotton is cultivated on a relatively small area worldwide. As far as canola is concerned, the Hungarian farmer could sow both hybrid and normal canola seed varieties. The vegetable oil industry is in the hands of multinational companies. It is up to these companies to decide what species have to be sown, because the produce is exported from the country and processed elsewhere. Only the finished and bottled cooking oil, produced in a third country, returned to be sold in the country where its crop was grown. Presently GM maize is the only plant that would be possible to consider for cultivation in Hungary. Should the attributes for cultivation (growth time, drought tolerance, resistance to diseases, cold tolerance, etc.) would comply with Hungarian requirements, GM maize could be cultivated here. Considering maize, great chemical companies found possibilities in genetic modification of crops in the 1980’s, so they commenced to develop GM maize in competition with each other. Presently, the best known GM maize is MON 810 event, a product of Monsanto. This GM maize contains a transgene from a bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium produces toxin(s) that kill(s) larvae of the European corn borer, when entering their digestive system. Therefore, in areas, where the damage by this pest is important, MON 810 provides protection. Fortunately the Pannonian BioGeographical Region, where Hungary is situated, is not such an area, therefore, this GM maize has little relevance to our economy.
Keywords: GMO, MON810, MON863, MON88017, WTO, coexistence, Marcel Bruins, Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, OECD, ISF, soy, maize, cotton, canola, Bacillus thuringiensis, Cry toxins, Cry proteins
Balla, L., 2009. GMO – yes or no? Magyar Mezôgazdaság, 64(11), p. 32–33.
- Health effects
- Environmental effects
- Regulatory issues
- Pesticide use
Record ID: 125