Journal or Publishing Institution: Bulletin of Problems in Biology and Medicine
Author(s): Kulik, Y.M., Khimich, O.V., Obertiukh, Y.V., Skoromna, O.I., Semko, T.V., and Tsaruk, L.L.
Article Type: Peer Reviewed Study
Record ID: 1327
Abstract: Research purpose. Examine under conditions in vitro effect of aqueous extract of GM roundup resistant soybean compared with soy classical breeding activity propionic acid bacteria are used in starters in the manufacture of hard cheeses with a long shelf life, and the use of transgenic soybeans in feeding chicks and laying hens with the end result of effects on sexual function bird.
Object and research methods. To obtain aqueous extract of GM and non GM soy weighed 50 grams beans both variants and covered in heat-resistant glass beakers, and then added 300 ml of distilled water, heated to boiling and boil for 30 minutes for the purpose inactivation of urease antitrypsin, antichymotrypsin and other anti-nutrients and bioactive substances. After boiling decoction was filtered through a nylon cloth and thus obtained aqueous extract of GM and non GM soy. Then with both water extracts were taken to 20 ml of an aqueous solution and measured pH on lab pH meter «pH-150MI» and conducted titration 0.01 n NaOH to pH 7. Then, in both aqueous extract was added 0.03 mg of dry powder propionic acid bacteria were incubated in thermostat at t=37°C within 24 hours and conducted again titration 0.01 n NaOH to pH 7. Thus, the difference between the amount of 0.01 n NaOH, used for titration of 20 ml of water extracts after and to incubation is largest activity propionic acid bacteria with the formation of propionic, acetic and other acids in the nutrient medium water extracts both variants soybeans. In basis detection of danger using genetically modified roundup resistant soybean in foods people taken its negative impact on broiler hatching from eggs laying hens were fed transgenic Roundup resistant soybeans over a 2-week old chicks and in laying period. For the use of transgenic soybeans in feeding chicks and laying hens conducted its two-stage extrusion, thus ensuring inactivation of urease, antitrypsin and antichymotrypsin and other biologically active substances. The content of crude protein in extruded soybeans was 36%. To the composition of feed two-week chickens her injected 5% and after a monthand 10%, and then 20% and for of laying hens also 20%. Breed chickens bareneck. Were fed extruded soy 30 laying hens and 3 cocks.
Research results and their discussion. Effect of aqueous extract of GM soy compared to the same nutrient medium not GM soya on the viability of propionic acid bacteria in conditions in vitro, which are used to produce hard cheeses characterized by inhibition their the activity of by 21±1,9%. In experiments on laying hens eggs were collected for incubation in the month of April 2016. Placed in an incubator 40 eggs and incubation conducted according the technological regime. At 6.5 days conducted first biological control by translucence to ovoskop and discovered unfertilized 7 eggs. After 11 days again conducted control review, in which 6 eggs were with death embryos. After 19 days conducted third translucence eggs from of which in 3 were dead. Hence output chicks were 40%. The results were unexpected because incubation was repeated also 40 eggs from laying hens chosen in May 2016. Repeated chicks output was 48%, but the viability of chicks after the first and second favorites was on low level. A month later, all the chickens have died, and some have pathological defects, in particular, very small head. Thus feeding the chickens and then laying hen roundup resistant GM soybeans, causes inhibition of chicks output on 40-48% at low their viability, which is the objective hazard factor using roundup resistant GM soy in foods especially children and young people. In conclusion it should be noted about not reveal the factors of impact roundup resistant soybean on the microflora of the large intestine of people and animals reproductive ability, since transgenic relatively non-transgenic soybeans containing altered DNA structure due to the presence of genes soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Conclusions. The danger of using transgenic roundup resistant soybean in foods people substantiates its impact on inhibition of the viability of propionic acid bacteria of large intestine and reproductive chickens in longter feeding them genetically modified soybeans.
Keywords: genetically modified soybeans, GM soy, soybean extract water, propionic acid bacteria, inhibition of bacteria, chickens, chicken laying hens, poultry reproductive capacity, feeding, GMO soya, transgenic, genetically engineered, Roundup Ready soybean
Citation: Kulik, Y.M., Khimich, O.V., Obertiukh, Y.V., Skoromna, O.I., Semko, T.V., and Tsaruk, L.L., 2016. Hazard as to the use roundup resistant transgenic soybean food products of people. Bulletin of Problems in Biology and Medicine, 4(2), pp. 175-179.