Journal or Publishing Institution: Revista Real Academia Galega de Ciencias
Author(s): Sabugosa-Madeira, B. and Abreu, I.
Article Type: Journal Publication
Record ID: 2148
Abstract: Knowledge on the impact of transgenic crops on non-target insects is still scarce. In this paper we present possible direct and indirect effects that the transgenic corn pollen (Zea mayz) may have on bees (Apis mellifera) and on wax moths Galeria mellonella.
Keywords: Apis mellifera, Galeria mellonella, Bt corn, Pollen, Transgenics
Citation: Sabugosa-Madeira, B. and Abreu, I., 2009. O pólen de milho geneticamente modificado. Possíveis implicações no desequilíbrio ecológico das colméias. Revista Real Academia Galega de Ciencias, 28, pp.71-85.