Journal or Publishing Institution: International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Author(s): Smith, J.M.
Article Type: Peer Reviewed Study
Record ID: 2143
Abstract: A survey of 3,256 respondents, primarily residing in the United States, reveal improvements in a wide range of health symptoms following the removal or reduced consumption of genetically engineered foods, also called genetically modified organisms or GMOs. The changes are consistent with reports by physicians and others about improvements accompanying a switch to largely non-GMO and organic diets. The conditions that were most frequently reported as showing improvement include: Digestive: 85.2%, Fatigue, low energy: 60.4%, Overweight or obesity: 54.6%, Clouding of consciousness, “brain fog”: 51.7%, Food allergies or sensitivities: 50.2%, Mood problems, such as anxiety or depression: 51.1%, Memory, concentration: 48.1%, Joint pain: 47.5%, Seasonal allergies: 46.6%, Gluten sensitivities: 42.2%, Insomnia: 33.2%, Other skin conditions (not eczema): 30.9%, Hormonal problems: 30.4%, Musculoskeletal pain: 25.2%, Autoimmune disease: 21.4%, Eczema: 20.8%, and Cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure: 19.8%. Mechanisms by which GMOs may contribute to digestive disorders—the most frequently reported symptoms improved by GMO avoidance—is discussed. Three possible modes of action by GMOs are evaluated: 1) the disruptive and unpredictable nature of the process of genetic modification itself, which can introduce or elevate allergens, toxins, and anti-nutrients; 2) possible allergenic and toxic effects of Bt toxin, the insecticide produced within most genetically engineered corn varieties grown in the United States (US); and 3) the health impacts of glyphosate-based herbicides, such as Roundup®, which are sprayed on and absorbed into most genetically engineered food crops. The studies in these areas support several potential causative pathways leading to digestive disorders and may help explain why these and other related diseases have been rising in parallel with the increased acreage of GMOs and the application of Roundup® on these crop acres.
Keywords: Health Symptoms, Genetically Engineered Foods, Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs, Digestion, Fatigue, Low Energy, Obesity, Brain Fog, Food Allergies, Anxiety, Depression, Memory, Concentration, Joint Pain, Seasonal Allergies, Gluten Sensitivities, Insomnia, Skin Conditions, Hormonal Problems, Musculoskeletal Pain, Autoimmune Disease, Eczema, Cardiovascular, Blood Pressure, Digestive Disorders, Toxic Effects, Bt Toxin, Insecticide, Health Impacts, Glyphosate, Herbicides, Roundup, Genetically Engineered Food Crops
Citation: Smith, J.M., 2017. Survey reports improved health after avoiding genetically modified foods. Institute for Responsible Technology. International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.