Journal or Publishing Institution: Plant Physiology
Author(s): Ellstrand, N.C.
Article Type: Journal Publication
Record ID: 612
Text: It is hard to ignore the ongoing, often emotional, public discussion of the impacts of the products of crop biotechnology. At one extreme of the hype is self-rightoeus panic, and at the other is smug optimism. While the controversy plays out in the press, dozens of scientific workshops, symposia, and other meetings have been held to take a hard and thoughtful look at potential risks of transgenic crops. Overshadowed by the loud and contentious voices, a set of straightforward, scientifically based concerns have evolved, dictating a cautious approach for creating the best choices for agriculture’s future…
Keywords: Transgenic plants, Crop wild relatives, Genetic hybridization, Weeds, Radishes, Sorghum, Alleles, Hybridity, Transgenes
Citation: Ellstrand, N.C., 2001. When transgenes wander, should we worry? Plant Physiology, 125(4), pp.1543-1545.